


[email protected]

The course prepares professional artists who work with digital technologies such as video, photography, animation, graphics and the Internet.

The program introduces the full range of new media, tools and software. Under the guidance of teaching artists, students learn how to apply them to art, advertising, and other forms of visual communication.

Training includes group and individual projects, study trips, and guest lectures with international gallerists, artists, and art historians. The course is held in cooperation with the Paris Art Lab, which helps students to create portfolios and organize exhibitions.

The curriculum consists of several strands – art, technology and their interaction.

Artistic taste and individual style of students are formed in the process of studying the history and theory of art, its trends and modern tendencies.

A significant part of the course is devoted to the laws of colorism, composition and perspective. Students also study the psychology of perception of visual information.

In parallel, participants familiarize themselves with all kinds of new media. They master editing video and audio materials, work with images and animation, use professional equipment and computer programs.

The best of them will be demonstrated at an exhibition with the participation of key industry figures, journalists and potential employers.